First SidReporter statistics available

Matt Jonkman just announced that the first stats of SidReporter are available here. Matt writes:

These will become more interesting the more sites we have reporting, so please consider runningĀ  the client. It’s painless, anonymous, and will contribute to us greatly improving the signature base we all use.

It will be interesting to see what data this can bring us. Congrats Matt!

First OISF brainstorming session on Deepsec

Next November I will be attending Deepsec in Vienna. Matt Jonkman is giving a workshop there and I will be helping/assisting him with it, it’s called ‘Protocol Analysis for Writing Snort Signatures’. If you’re interested, sign up for it! While we are there we will also host the first brainstorming session for OISF. The idea is to get together with everyone thats interested and talk about how our next generation IDS/IPS should look like. But it’s not just about the technology, we also seek input about how to organize the project, about licensing, etc. So if you’re at Deepsec and got some time to spare, be sure to join us in the brainstorming session!

Open Infosec Foundation founded!

Last week Matt Jonkman announced the formation of the Open Infosec Foundation. This foundation has been grant funded to create a new open source IDS/IPS engine. Together with Will Metcalf and of course Matt himself, I will be working on this. We want this to be a real community effort where there is a role for everyone in the infosec community. Developers, admins, vendors, goverments, research, education, everyone. There is a lot of work ahead, but that should be great fun and very inspiring. So far things are interesting already. The discussion mailinglist is growing rapidly with many ppl from the community and industry. A #oisf IRC channel was created today on freenode. Join us there to participate in discussion about this project!