Suricata development training update

The Suricata development training at RAID 2012 next week is going to happen, so please all RSVP. It’s free!

If you’re planning to attend, please let me know what topics you are interested in. We have core devs in the room, so we can go hardcore on everything from the threading to packet capture to CUDA to pattern matching… also more straightforward stuff like extending Suricata with new keywords, log modules, etc.

Let me know! Oh and RSVP! 🙂

Suricata development training

We’re considering to offer a Suricata development training day around the next OISF brainstorm meeting. That would be in Amsterdam around the RAID conference, in early September.

Topics we could cover:

– code/development overview
– create/extend detect module
– create/extend output module
– app layer module
– proto detection
– …

The training would probably be free as it’s an excercise for us as well, so we’d just want honest feedback in return 🙂

Nothing is set in stone at this point, but I wanted to throw the idea around already. If you’re interested in joining this session, please let us know! If there is enough interest we may just make this happen!

Suricata 1.3 released

Today, almost half a year after the last “stable” release, we released Suricata 1.3. I think this release is a big step forward with regard to maturity of Suricata. Performance and scalability have been much improved, just like accuracy and stability.

The official announcement can be found on the OISF site

In the last 6 months a lot of code has been changed:

384 files changed, 44332 insertions(+), 18478 deletions(-)

These changes have been made by 11 committers, only four of which were paid by OISF. The others were either developers from supporting vendors or great community members. I’d like to thank everyone for their contribution!

With the 1.3 release, for some people work only just started. I think this would be an ideal time for the Emerging Threats project to fork their Suricata ruleset. The new set for 1.3 could then start taking advantage of features like http_user_agent, file_data, file keywords, tls/ssl keywords, etc. One of the new features in 1.3, the rule analyzer, should be really helpful for the rule writer folks.

Looking towards the future, we’re planning for some nice new features and improvement. First, the TLS/SSL handling will be further improved. The guys are working on certificate fingerprint matching, storing certs to disk and more. We’ll also continue to improve our IPv6 support. Of course, performance work is always on our agenda, so also for the time to come. See our roadmap here.

Finally, if you’re interested discussing the roadmap with us in person, the RAID 2012 conference in Amsterdam next fall is a good opportunity. Most of the team will be present.

RAID 2011 Thoughts

The last few days I’ve been at the Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID) conference in California. Overall it has been a very pleasant and interesting experience. The nice California weather was certainly helping a lot!

I’ve seen all talks and some were very interesting. However, being a Suricata IDS developer, I was not just interested in research for the hell of it, but I was actively scouting for ideas we could implement into Suricata. In this respect the conference was highly disappointing. Although with some of the talks I thought the idea was applicable in general security, like Erik Bosmans high speed memory tainting detection, I found nothing like that for NIDS.

Most inspiring part of the conference was spending an evening with Seth Hall, one of the Bro IDS engineers. Bro has a very different approach to inspecting the network than Suricata. Actually, I should say Suricata does it differently as Bro has been around much longer than Suricata. 🙂 The conversation was all about sharing of ideas and experiences, and finding common grounds for actual cooperation.

A couple of notes from that conversation. First, Bro supports Unified2/Barnyard2 now, as input (so actually Barnyard2 can output to Bro). This means it can extend it’s analysis to include Suricata generated events. Second, we might try to have Suricata and Bro work together, where Suricata would be controlled by Brocolli. This way Bro could benefit from Suricata’s high speed signature matching engine, functionality Bro doesn’t have, and Suricata could benefit from Bro’s higher level understanding of the network. Finally, Bro’s binpack effort to define protocol parsers in a higher level language that can then be compiled into native code looks interesting as well. It would probably take quite a bit of changes to get this all going, but it might just be worth it.

Then there was the panel at the conference with Martin Roesch, Seth Hall and myself. A lot of people expected fireworks, but no such thing happened. Everyone was polite, respectful and friendly. It never really turned into a real discussion though, it was more a Q&A with the audience. Dominique Karg blogged about the panel here.

It was good to talk to Martin Roesch. The OISF – Sourcefire relation has definitely not started well, so it was good to have normal conversations and such. I offered Marty to work together, especially on SCADA detection. As was announced earlier, OISF will maintain the Digital Bond Quickdraw SCADA parsers and keywords, not only for Suricata, but also for Snort. Hopefully we can start a more constructive relationship on this topic, and elsewhere.

Some final thoughts on RAID. It was well organized and it was great to meet so many smart(er) people thinking about generally the same topics as I do. On the negative side I do feel disappointed over the apparent disconnect between the academic world and the more real world focused efforts like Suricata, Snort and tools like Streamdb, Sguil, Snortby, Squert, etc. But maybe I’m just lacking the vision to put the theory to practice.

The current tools out there may not be considered sufficient by everyone for every task. However, if RAID was a good benchmark, I fear we’ll have to settle for those for a while. Thats not necessarily a bad thing as fore-mentioned tools are under active development and continue to improve steadily.