Vuurmuur 0.8beta4 released

I just released a new Vuurmuur version. The last release was in 2009, so it has been a while.

This release adds basic IPv6 support. The state of the IPv6 support is incomplete, but quite functional.

Supported features are:

– rules generation
– log viewing
– setting IPv6 addresses in hosts, networks and interfaces

Unsupported features are:

– connection viewer
– blocklist
– IPv6 address to Vuurmuur name conversion in the log

I’ve been running it myself for a couple of months w/o major issues, so it should be safe to test.

Also new in this release is the support of NFLOG for the traffic log. This means no more cluttering of messages or other system logs. Much of this work has been done by Fred Leeflang.

It’s now also possible to use a “zone” directly in a rule. For Every network in that rule a set of iptables rules will be automatically be created.

Finally, for those that hate the blue background, you can now also set it to black. In vuurmuur_conf, go to “vuurmuur_conf settings” and enable “Use black background”. Restart vuurmuur_conf and you’re set!

Suricata 1.3.1 is out

Since this morning Suricata 1.3.1 is available. The main focus of this release was fixing a number of bugs. See the list of closed bugs, the release notes and the upgrade instructions.

As a bonus, I applied a set of patches by Eric Leblond. Eric has been trying to push AF_PACKET to the limit and has achieved some spectacular results with it. Read all about his quest to get to 10Gbps here on Eric’s blog.

As a final note, the Suricata git repository is now mirrored at Github. Forking, submitting pull requests and downloading the latest source is a lot simpler now. Check the official repo at github.