Suricata 1.3.2 is out

Today we released Suricata 1.3.2. Not a big update, but there are some important fixes in the stream engine, fast_pattern:chop handling, HTTP multipart parsing and the flow keyword with “nostream”.

As the diff stat output shows, it’s a rather light maintenance update over 1.3.1:

 ChangeLog                              |   12 ++
 libhtp/                    |    2 +-
 libhtp/                       |    2 +-
 libhtp/htp/htp.h                       |    2 +-
 src/app-layer-htp-file.c               |  145 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/app-layer-htp.c                    |  192 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 src/decode.c                           |    3 +
 src/decode.h                           |    1 +
 src/defrag.c                           |    4 +-
 src/detect-engine-content-inspection.c |    9 --
 src/detect-flow.c                      |   68 ++++++++++-
 src/source-af-packet.c                 |    9 ++
 src/source-ipfw.c                      |   13 ++-
 src/source-pfring.c                    |   28 ++---
 src/stream-tcp-reassemble.c            |    1 +
 src/util-cpu.c                         |   10 +-
 16 files changed, 435 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

Only the HTTP changes look big, but that is due to adding some unittests. Same for flow keyword.

Because of the fixes updating is still highly recommended. Most fixes improve detection accuracy.

Full notes at our new website:

First beta for Suricata 1.4

The first test release for the new Suricata 1.4 branch as just been released. Some really exciting stuff was added. Let me highlight some of it:

AF_PACKET IPS mode: Eric Leblond has been working on extending the passive AF_PACKET support to support IPS as well. Eric has documented the new feature on his blog.

TLS logging and certificate storage: created by contributor Jean-Paul Roliers under guidance of Eric Leblond. As a bonus, a rule keyword to match on certifcate fingerprints.

Custom HTTP logging: contributor Ignacio Sanchez created a new output mode for our HTTP log module, allowing the admin to customize the log message format. He has made it compatible to Apache’s mod_log_config. For more information, see our wiki page.

Tunnel decoding: Michel Saborde opened a bunch of tickets for Teredo, IPv4-in-IPv6 and IPv6-in-IPv6 tunneling. Saved a lot of time in Eric’s implementation.

There is more, like the luajit keyword I wrote about yesterday here.

So there are a lot of changes. Git gives us the following numbers: “106 files changed, 6966 insertions(+), 2259 deletions(-)” in just 3 weeks. This means the release is definitely beta quality, so use with care.

Grab it here:

Next week the team will be in Amsterdam for the RAID 2012 conference. After that we’ll continue to work towards 1.4beta2. For an idea of what is coming, check the milestone.

Until than, have fun with this new beta. Many thanks to our generous contributors!

Suricata 1.3.1 is out

Since this morning Suricata 1.3.1 is available. The main focus of this release was fixing a number of bugs. See the list of closed bugs, the release notes and the upgrade instructions.

As a bonus, I applied a set of patches by Eric Leblond. Eric has been trying to push AF_PACKET to the limit and has achieved some spectacular results with it. Read all about his quest to get to 10Gbps here on Eric’s blog.

As a final note, the Suricata git repository is now mirrored at Github. Forking, submitting pull requests and downloading the latest source is a lot simpler now. Check the official repo at github.