tcpreplay on Intel 82576

For my Suricata QA setup, I’m using tcpreplay on a dual port gigabit NIC. The idea is to blast out packets on one port and then have Suricata listen on the other part.

For the traffic replay I’m using tcpreplay 3.4.4 from the Ubuntu archive. As I have a lot of pcaps to process I intend to use the –topspeed option to keep runtimes as low as possible. This will result in approximately ~500Mbps on this box, as the pcaps come from a nas.

While validating the replay results, I noticed that there was a lot of packet reordering going on. This seemed odd as tcpreplay replays packets in order. The docs seemed to suggest the driver/NIC does this:

It turned out that this is caused by the driver using multiple tx-queues.


[    1.143444] igb 0000:03:00.1: Using MSI-X interrupts. 8 rx queue(s), 8 tx queue(s)

With the help of Luca Deri I was able to reduce the number of queues.

To do this, the igb driver module needs to be passed an option, RSS=1. However, the igb driver that comes with Ubuntu 13.10 (which has version 5.0.5k) does not support this option.

The latest version is needed, which can be downloaded from

After installing it, remove the current module and load the new module with the RSS option:

modprobe -r igb
modprobe igb RSS=1

Confirm the result in dmesg:

[  834.376632] igb 0000:03:00.1: Using MSI-X interrupts. 1 rx queue(s), 1 tx queue(s)

With this, tcpreplay at topspeed will not result in reordered packets.

Many thanks to Luca Deri for putting me on the right track here.

Vuurmuur 0.8rc1 released

I just released a new Vuurmuur version: 0.8rc1. The first release candidate for the 0.8 series. This release improves IPv6 support a lot. The wizard is now also fully functional. Try “vuurmuur_conf –wizard”.

  • Improved IPv6 support: #115
  • Improved Debian packages, switching to nflog as default for logging.
  • Fix connection viewer not showing accounting on newer systems. #141
  • Amd64 packages for Debian and Ubuntu are now available through the apt server. #83
  • Switch from “state” match to “conntrack” match for connection tracking.
  • Services now support possible protocols. #63
  • Add support for rpfilter match. #137

Get this release from the ftp server:

Additionally, amd64 packages for Debian and Ubuntu are now available. See Installation Debian for instructions.

IPv6 Evasions, Scanners and the importance of staying current

Lots of activity on the IPv6 front lately. There was a talk on a conference on bypassing IDS using IPv6 tricks. Also a new scan tool (Topera) claimed to scan a host while staying below the radar of an IDS was released. To start with the latter, even though Suricata doesn’t have a dedicated port scan detector, the tool’s traffic lights up like a Christmas tree. The trick it pulls is to pack a lot of duplicate DST OPTS extension headers in the IPv6 packets. These options are just fillers, the only options they use are the “pad” option. In Suricata we’ve had an event for duplicate DST OPTS headers since 1.3 and the padding only headers generate an event in 1.4. Both alerts will be very noisy, so calling this a stealth attack rather dubious.

The other thing was a talk on IPv6 evasions, where the author compared Snort and Suricata. Suricata didn’t do very well. Sadly the authors chose not to contact us. On closer inspection it turned out an old Suricata version was used. Which one wasn’t specified, but as they did mention using Security Onion, I’m assuming 1.2. In the 1.3 branch (current stable) we’ve fixed and improved IPv6 in a lot of areas. Nonetheless, while testing the various protocol tricks, we did find some bugs that are now fixed in the git masters for the 1.3 stable branch and the 1.4 development branch.

I think these developments serve as a reminder that staying current with your IDS software’s version is critical. For that reason it’s too bad that distro’s like Security Onion, Debian, Ubuntu all lag significantly. The reasons differ through. For the guys from Security Onion it’s mostly a time problem (so go help them if you can!) for Debian and Ubuntu it’s actually policy. For that reason we’re providing PPAs for Ubuntu and for Debian we’re working on getting Suricata into the “backports” repo. The only mainstream distro that does it right for us is Fedora. They just update to the latest stable as soon as it’s out.

Given the complexity of protocols like IPv6 and the new developments all over the board, I see no viable case for staying on older versions. I know it’s a hassle, but stay current. It’s important.

Speeding up Suricata with tcmalloc

‘tcmalloc’ is a library Google created as part of the google-perftools suite for speeding up memory handling in a threaded program. It’s very simple to use and does work fine with Suricata. Don’t expect magic from it, but it should give you a few percent more speed.

On Ubuntu, install the libtcmalloc-minimal0 package:

apt-get install libtcmalloc-minimal0

Then run Suricata as follows (on a single line):

LD_PRELOAD=”/usr/lib/″ ./src/suricata -c suricata.yaml -i eth0

That is all there is to it. 🙂

Setting up Suricata 0.9.0 for initial use on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04

The last few days I blogged about compiling Suricata in IDS and IPS mode. Today I’ll write about how to set it up for first use.

Starting with Suricata 0.9.0 the engine can run as an unprivileged user. For this create a new user called “suricata”.

useradd --no-create-home --shell /bin/false --user-group --comment “Suricata IDP account” suricata

This command will create a user and group called “suricata”. It will be unable to login as the shell is set to /bin/false.

The next thing to do is creating a configuration directory. Create /etc/suricata/ and copy the suricata.yaml example config into it. The example configuration can be found in the source archive you used to build Suricata:

mkdir /etc/suricata
cp /path/to/suricata-0.9.0/suricata.yaml /etc/suricata/
cp /path/to/suricata-0.9.0/classification.config /etc/suricata/

Next, create the log directory.

mkdir /var/log/suricata

The log directory needs to be writable for the user and group “suricata”, so change the ownership:

chown suricata:suricata /var/log/suricata

The last step I’ll be describing here is retrieving an initial ruleset. The 2 main rulesets you can use are Emerging Threats (ET) and Sourcefire’s VRT ruleset. Since putting VRT to use is a little bit more complicated I’ll be focussing on ET here.

First, download the emerging rules:


Go to /etc/suricata/ and extract the rules archive:

cd /etc/suricata/
tar xzvf /path/to/emerging.rules.tar.gz

There is a lot more to rules, such as tuning and staying updated, but thats beyond the scope of this post.

Suricata is now ready to be started:

suricata -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -i eth0 --user suricata --group suricata

If all is setup properly, Suricata will tell you it is now running:

[2087] 9/5/2010 — 18:17:47 – (tm-threads.c:1362) (TmThreadWaitOnThreadInit) — all 8 packet processing threads, 3 management threads initialized, engine started.

There are 3 log files in /var/log/suricata that will be interesting to monitor:

– stats.log: displays statistics on packets, tcp sessions etc.
– fast.log: a alerts log similar to Snort’s fast log.
– http.log: displays HTTP requests in a Apache style format.

This should get you going. There is a lot more to deploying Suricata that I plan to blog on later.

Compiling Suricata 0.9.0 in Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 in IPS (inline) mode

Note: the difference with the 0.8.2 post is that addition of libcap-ng-dev. This allows Suricata to run as an unprivileged user.

Here is how to compile Suricata 0.9.0 in inline mode on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.

First, make sure you have the “universe” repository enabled. Go to the System menu, Administration, Software Sources. There enable “Community-maintained Open Source Software (universe)”. If you’re not running a gui, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and enable the universe repository there. Don’t forget doing an “apt-get update”.

Install the following packages needed to build Suricata: libpcre3-dev libpcap-dev libyaml-dev zlib1g-dev libnfnetlink-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev libnet1-dev libcap-ng-dev.

apt-get install libpcre3-dev libpcap-dev libyaml-dev zlib1g-dev libnfnetlink-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev libnet1-dev libcap-ng-dev

Download Suricata 0.9.0 here

Extract the suricata-0.9.0.tar.gz file as follows:

tar xzvf suricata-0.9.0.tar.gz

Enter the extracted directory suricata-0.9.0.

Run “./configure –enable-nfqueue”
If “./configure –enable-nfqueue” was succesful, run “make”
If “make” was succesful, run “sudo make install”
Except for Suricata itself, the build process installed “libhtp”. For that to work properly, run “ldconfig”.

Run “suricata -V” and it should report version 0.9.0.

To use Suricata in inline mode, pass -q <queue id> to the command line. Example:

suricata -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -q 0

Compiling Suricata 0.9.0 in Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 in IDS mode

Note: the difference with the 0.8.2 post is that addition of libcap-ng-dev. This allows Suricata to run as an unprivileged user.

Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS looks like a good platform for running an IDS on. It’s up to date and has long term support. Here is how to compile and install Suricata 0.9.0 on it.

Install the following packages needed to build Suricata: libpcre3-dev libpcap-dev libyaml-dev zlib1g-dev libcap-ng-dev.

apt-get install libpcre3-dev libpcap-dev libyaml-dev zlib1g-dev libcap-ng-dev

Download Suricata 0.9.0 here

Extract the suricata-0.9.0.tar.gz file as follows:

tar xzvf suricata-0.9.0.tar.gz

Enter the extracted directory suricata-0.9.0.

Run “./configure”
Note that you may get a warning about libnet 1.1 that is missing. You can ignore that, it’s only used in IPS/inline mode currently.
If “./configure” was succesful, run “make”
If “make” was succesful, run “sudo make install”
Except for Suricata itself, the build process installed “libhtp”. For that to work properly, run “ldconfig”.

Run “suricata -V” and it should report version 0.9.0.

To use Suricata in IDS mode, pass -i to the command line. Example

suricata -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -i eth0

Compiling Suricata 0.8.2 in Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 in IPS (inline) mode

Yesterday I wrote about how to compile and install Suricata 0.8.2 as an IDS on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04, today I’ll explain the steps to compile and install it as an IPS. In IPS mode the engine runs in inline mode. This means that it gets it’s packets from netfilter and sets a verdict on them after inspecting them. This way we can drop packets that trigger the rules.

First, make sure you have the “universe” repository enabled. Go to the System menu, Administration, Software Sources. There enable “Community-maintained Open Source Software (universe)”. If you’re not running a gui, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and enable the universe repository there. Don’t forget doing an “apt-get update”.

Install the following packages needed to build Suricata: libpcre3-dev libpcap-dev libyaml-dev zlib1g-dev libnfnetlink-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev libnet1-dev.

apt-get install libpcre3-dev libpcap-dev libyaml-dev zlib1g-dev libnfnetlink-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev libnet1-dev

Download Suricata 0.8.2 here

Extract the suricata-0.8.2.tar.gz file as follows:

tar xzvf suricata-0.8.2.tar.gz

Enter the extracted directory suricata-0.8.2.

Run “./configure –enable-nfqueue”
If “./configure –enable-nfqueue” was succesful, run “make”
If “make” was succesful, run “sudo make install”
Except for Suricata itself, the build process installed “libhtp”. For that to work properly, run “ldconfig”.

Run “suricata -V” and it should report version 0.8.2.

To use Suricata in inline mode, pass -q <queue id> to the command line. Example:

suricata -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -q 0

Compiling Suricata 0.8.2 in Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 in IDS mode

The newly released Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS looks like a good platform for running an IDS on. It’s up to date and has long term support. Here is how to compile and install Suricata 0.8.2 on it.

Install the following packages needed to build Suricata: libpcre3-dev libpcap-dev libyaml-dev zlib1g-dev.

apt-get install libpcre3-dev libpcap-dev libyaml-dev zlib1g-dev

Download Suricata 0.8.2 here

Extract the suricata-0.8.2.tar.gz file as follows:

tar xzvf suricata-0.8.2.tar.gz

Enter the extracted directory suricata-0.8.2.

Run “./configure”
Note that you may get a warning about libnet 1.1 that is missing. You can ignore that, it’s only used in IPS/inline mode currently.
If “./configure” was succesful, run “make”
If “make” was succesful, run “sudo make install”
Except for Suricata itself, the build process installed “libhtp”. For that to work properly, run “ldconfig”.

Run “suricata -V” and it should report version 0.8.2.

To use Suricata in IDS mode, pass -i to the command line. Example

suricata -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -i eth0

Fixing noise on Ubuntu Hardy 8.04, aka setting max_cstate

Not security related at all, but it took me so much time to figure this out, I want to share this with the world!

I own a Lenovo Thinkpad T60 that I like very much. There is one annoyance, and that is that when on battery, the laptop produces a high pitched noise when idle. It turns out that this has something to do with the ACPI state. States of C3 and higher made my laptop produce the noise. In Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10 there was a simple solution. I could force the laptop to never use anything higher that C2. That was done like this:

echo “2” > /sys/module/processor/parameters/max_cstate

And everyone was happy! Noise gone, battery life still decent. All was good. Until I upgraded to Hardy. Hardy uses kernel 2.6.24, and for some reason the sysfs interface has been removed. So there is no way to set the max_cstate on the fly. See here for the bug report.

In theory the ‘processor’ module should be able to take an option ‘max_cstate=2’. But setting this option didn’t seem to work. It took some time to figure out why, but the reason is simple. The ‘processor’ module is in the initrd image, and is loaded before /etc/modprobe.d/options is inspected. Luckily, the solution is simple:

Add the following line to your /etc/modprobe.d/options file:

options processor max_cstate=2

Then update the initrd image using the following command:

sudo update-initramfs -u

The initrd image is now updated to include the option. Then reboot. Verify if it works:

$ cat /proc/acpi/processor/CPU0/power |grep max_cstate
max_cstate:              C2

Success! Again, no more noise…

Update 21st of March 2010 for Ubuntu Karmic 9.10. The solution for this for Karmic was posted by Markus in the comments below, I’m replicating it here for convenience. Thanks Markus!

Karmic introduces the new grub2 so there isn’t any menu.lst anymore. In grub2 some things (like default kernel options) are done in /etc/default/grub, so you have to edit this file:

sudo pico /etc/default/grub

search for a line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”” and change to (or add if it doesn’t exist):


press STRG+x and y to save and exit and execute the grub update:

sudo update-grub

After a reboot the max cstate should then be C2!